Chistmas Graphic Comments
Big Hugs,
Ruby and Britt
We hope you like our christmas card and christmas snowflake (does look a lot like the one mum made, doesn't it :0)
Thanks for stopping by,
Ruby and Britt
Big hugs,
Ruby and Britt
Alle kleuren - All colours of the rainbow
Thanks for watching,
Big hugs,
Ruby and Britt
I made a card for a boy. In these days boys also wear pink, and I have a male friend that loves pink, so why not a pink boycard.
Thanks for looking.
Big hugs,
Ruby and Britt
There are no rules for this award so we can pas it on to everybody we like.
We would like to give this award to some great kids with blogs that rock:
Zoe (passing it back) - Sanne - Jessica and Kalen
Thanks for watching.
Ruby and Britt
Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for watching
Ruby and Britt
The rules for this JAVABLU award are:
1. the winner can put the logo on their blog.
2. link the person you received your award from.
3. nominate at least 5 other blogs.
4. before listing the nominees give a brief reason why you choose them.
5. put links of these blogs on yours.
6. leave a message on the blogs you've nominated.
We would love to pass this award to:
Zoe, Sanne, Kelsey and Lauren, because they all make great cards and we love to watch their blogs.
Thanks for watching
Ruby and Britt
Here the cake I got. A Winx-club cake.
Blowing the candles.
The presents I got. Little petshop play set
Stickeralbum, socks, butterflies.
A furry little pet shop turtlle.
A new Bratzbag for school.
A new doll.
My friends and niece.
From left to right: Dane, Ilayda, Marischa, Me and Britt.
My other niece Madou, my granddad and grandma (from mums side) and my aunt Saskia (my mums sister).
Saskia and Madou.
My other grandpa and my dad.
My other grandma
Have a great weekend,
We (Britt and I) are going to play with all my new presents.
The next package I did get came from England. Nikki, Zoe, Danni and Gary did send me (and there were also some small presents for Britt) all of these great things. Two birthday cards ( one from Zoe and one from Nikki), animalclips to hang all my birthdaycards, some candy ( sorry they are not on the picture we ate them already, and we really liked them), a great picture of Zoe and Danni, and A very soft Kitty which Zoe picked for me. Thank you for this great kitty, I love her very much.
Thanks for stopping by.
Big hugs,
Ruby and Britt